30 days without a supermarket – as a list

A friend of mine told me about this motivational video he’d seen that recommends you try a 30-day challenge:   change one aspect of your behaviour or routine, however small, for 30 days. It’s not going to kill you, and it might just make life interesting or better. It did. I tried 30 days without a supermarket; that is, for a month, I did all my shopping in independent stores, with a ban on entering any ofs, and I’ve changed most of my shopping habits as a result ever since. Although I do get some stuff from supermarkets, it’s very selective, and I never do what I did before the challenge, which was to go to a supermarket and let it suggest to me what I wanted to buy.

30 days without a supermarket: picture of courgette pricing in Sainsburys
No more of this: trying to calculate the real cost of two items that are priced using different methods. Despite the price tag, the ones on the left are in fact almost double the price of those on the right.

30 days without a supermarket: the full list of blog entries

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist