Woytek Lowski Gillian Cornish John O'Brien Malcolm Williamson Jackie Barratt Pussy (Diana Payne Myers) Christopher Hampson David Wall HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
Susie Cooper Daniel Jones Ivan Nagy Wayne Sleep Betty Anderton Harald Krytinar Victor Alvarez Pat Neary
Klaus Beelitz Belinda Quirey Irena Pasaric Mark Morris Thomas Edur Ann Hogben Graham Bond Tania Fairbairn

There’s a wonderful restaurant in Prague called Restaurace Století where I’ve spent many a happy time with friends and colleagues from the ballet masterclasses. Each dish on Století’s menu is named after a particular luminary of the 20th century. In the same spirit, and as the finale to this dance inspirations advent calendar, may I present to you my Christmas Dinner Class Menu. Each piece of music reminds me in a special way of the person they are associated with below, for reasons which I’d go into if I didn’t have to put a turkey in the oven myself. Happy christmas, and bon appetit!

Potage du Jour

Warm-up Jackie Barratt: – Georgia on my mind

Les hors d’oeuvres

Pliés Belinda Quirey – Minuet in B minor J S Bach

Pliés Pat NearyTonight from West Side Story

Slow tendus Malcolm Williamson – Blue Moon

Faster Tendus Christopher HampsonNon, monsieur je n’ai pas vingt ans

Battements glissés David Wall Rondeau from Les Biches

Battements glissés Tania Fairbairn Turkey in the straw

Ronds de jambe à terre Irena Pasari? Ne vrijedi plakati (starogradska pjesma)

Battements fondus Thomas Edur Mazurka in C major from Les Sylphides

Battements frappés Klaus BeelitzIch wöllt’ ich wär’ ein Huhn

Ronds de jambe en l’air Betty Anderton Adèle’s laughing song from Die Fledermaus

Petits battements Woytek LowskiIch bin die fesche Lola!

Grands battements Mark Morris Take back your mink

[Veuillez prendre place au milieu]

Les Entrées

Tendus & pirouettes Ann Hogben – Waltz from The Haunted Ballroom

Pirouettes Graham Bond – Pigtail Girl from Graduation Ball

Pirouettes en diagonal PussyWunderbar from Kiss Me Kate

Adage Victor Alvarez – Chopin: Prelude in D flat (‘Raindrop Prelude)

Les Plats Principaux

Warm-up jump Harald KrytinarIf I only had wings

Petit allegro Susie CooperFlat foot floogie with the floy, floy

Allegro John O’Brien Zwei dunkle Augen

Batterie Gillian Cornish – Last movement from Beethoven piano concerto No. 5 (The Emperor)

Les Desserts

Grand allegro Wayne Sleep – Coda from Diane & Acteon

Grand allegro Ivan Nagy – Tarantella from Etudes

Manège Daniel Jones There is nothing like a dame

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist