Madge Gillings and Mrs Bagot Stack on record
The Women's League of Health and Beauty Exercises—music from the early 1930s, and a beautiful documentary, all online.
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Blog posts about people I’ve worked with in the ballet world who either are actual legends, or who have been legendarily wonderful in my working life.
The Women's League of Health and Beauty Exercises—music from the early 1930s, and a beautiful documentary, all online.
In these days when artists are insulted by the idea of having to retrain as something else, let's take a moment to remember Vera Kostrovitskaya, famous pedagogue—and plasterer, restorer of…
Today’s golden moment also concerns Mark Morris and Les Patineurs, it so happens. I was playing the waltz from Meyerbeer’s Le Prophète (better known as the pas de trois from…
On Wednesday, legged it down to the Barbican to see Mark Morris’s R&J, with the score unearthed by the incredible Simon Morrison – not just ‘a Princeton music professor’ as…
To the Australian High Commission for the launch of Anthony Meredith & Paul Harris’s biography of my late friend, composition tutor and mentor Malcolm Williamson, A Mischievous Muse. From what…
Just back from what’s turned out to be an annual stint for the last three years, playing for The Mark Morris Dance Group company classes on their flying visits to…