Steps in a polonaise rhythm: Rasmussen’s “Experiencing Architecture”
Rhythm in architecture A few years ago I was trying to write some study materials about “rhythm,” and tied myself in knots trying to connect all the different ways the…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Rhythm in architecture A few years ago I was trying to write some study materials about “rhythm,” and tied myself in knots trying to connect all the different ways the…
Nice to see an article about marching music, one of the weird, esoteric topics that perplex ballet pianists like me: a 2018 conference paper byNiels Hansen, Nicholas Shea & David…
I’ve just added Roger Grant’s Beating Time and Measuring Music in the Early Modern Era as my top choice for books on music theory for those interested in music-dance relationships…
A proud day for me, my first proper article published in Empirical Musicology Review. “How Down is a Downbeat? Feeling Meter and Gravity in Music and Dance?” came out of…
Download music for allegro in six eight (6/8) by Auber (free pdf) Read more about my Year of Ballet Playing Cards This music for allegro in six eight is what…
After 11 years of having odd articles about rhythm and metre all over my old site at, I decided it was time to reduce it all down to a…