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I remember saying to someone a few years ago that the distance between you thinking of an idea for a project, and someone else coming up with the same idea independently and actually  doing it is about twelve months, and today’s find just goes to prove my point. The bastards have only gone and done the thing that I wanted to do more than a year ago, which is to start a podcast series consisting of interviews/discussions with the great and the good in this weird corner of the musical universe, the world of playing for ballet classes. 

The bastards in question are all wonderful colleagues, so I wish The Ballet Piano Podcast the best and warmest of luck with this great venture, and please get on and do some more. The first episode is a roundtable chat with Chris Hobson and his wife Akiko, the lovely Matt Gregory, and equally lovely ballet teacher David Yow. To actually get three pianists AND a teacher talking in the same room, on the record, is a miracle, and it says a lot about  the people involved that they’ve managed to do it. 

4 thought on “The Ballet Piano Podcast”
    1. Yes, I agree, I’m sure there are enough subjects and people in the world (like you for example!) that there is room for another project. Can’t wait to get round it. Just got a few annoying other projects to finish first.

  1. Yes, I know! There are always other projects going around. And at the same time it’s so easy and exciting to build ideas and new projects in your mind, but it takes a lot of time and energy to bringing them to life. You can be proud of your big amount of interesting content in this blog. It’s always a reference and a great inspiration!

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist