Michael Phelps: why I’m not disappointed
From Reason.com, What Michael Phelps Should Have Said. The article is what I would like to have said, only Radley Balko’s said it better. I’m not given to having sporting…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
From Reason.com, What Michael Phelps Should Have Said. The article is what I would like to have said, only Radley Balko’s said it better. I’m not given to having sporting…
If you’ve been following the news, you’ll have gathered that this is the time when England falls apart because people don’t have snow tyres, grit the roads, or have contingency…
20 minutes of inspiration from the author of Flow…. I enter my flow state being able to spell Csikszentmihályi properly, by the way.
Since my previous rant on multi-tasking, I’ve discovered that the key word I needed to prise this issue open was ‘cognitive load’, which I discovered while monotasking (reading a book…