It’s that time of year again. I didn’t stir up any puddings on this, stir-up-sunday, much as I would have liked, but I have decided what my advent calendar will…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
It’s that time of year again. I didn’t stir up any puddings on this, stir-up-sunday, much as I would have liked, but I have decided what my advent calendar will…
On the way to the Tate Modern for tea with Chris got forced down a side-street as a diversion to Southwark Bridge, and came across this wonderfully eccentric house, where…
It’s been very strange going somewhere without having to play for class, as nearly every ‘holiday’ I’ve had in the last 10 years has had some element of work attached…
To the Barbican again to play for Mark Morris & company. He and they are so great to work with, so much fun, such great dancers, so intelligent, so appreciative.…
On Wednesday, legged it down to the Barbican to see Mark Morris’s R&J, with the score unearthed by the incredible Simon Morrison – not just ‘a Princeton music professor’ as…