The Thames, last Sunday
The Thames, last Sunday

It’s that time of year again. I didn’t stir up any puddings on this, stir-up-sunday, much as I would have liked, but I have decided what my advent calendar will be this year.

In my experience, the best choreographers and dancers are much more enlightening, enlightened, insightful and interesting, amusing and quick-witted than any musician. To work in dance, you need to be able to communicate in a split second, and so that’s what dancers do. To celebrate this, my advent calendar this year is going to be a selection of some of the one-liners from the ballet class and  rehearsal that deserve, in the words of Elizbeth from Pride and Prejudice, to be ‘handed down to posterity with all the éclat of a proverb’. This is not just about bons mots, it’s about minds that can grasp situations, complex perspectives and insights in an instant. But rather than try to prove that now, let my calendar be the judge.

Until tomorrow….

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist