Ballet Piano Podcast transcript now available
Want to learn about playing for class in a fun, chatty podcast of experts? Read on to find out where.
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Want to learn about playing for class in a fun, chatty podcast of experts? Read on to find out where.
What not to say to ballet pianists: a cartoon from 1990 captures the moment perfectly!
I remember inwardly eye-rolling when I heard a teacher many years ago claim excitedly that her pianist “never played the same thing twice.” Call me cynical, but if you’re a…
I remember saying to someone a few years ago that the distance between you thinking of an idea for a project, and someone else coming up with the same idea…
A packed and interesting programme of lectures/events at the DANSOX summer school in Oxford coming up (6th–8th July 2019), including a joint 2-hour presentation by me and Susie Crow based…
Absolutely thrilled to discover Rudy Apfells’ Czerny for Ballet Class blog — lovely recordings of huge numbers of Czerny exercises, together with reimaginings/reworkings of them (see here for a description…