Man Holding Ram is 22
I’ve passed this statue hundreds of times in the 20-ish years I’ve lived in Tooting, without ever knowing what it was, or who made it. I’ve watched it decay, and…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
I’ve passed this statue hundreds of times in the 20-ish years I’ve lived in Tooting, without ever knowing what it was, or who made it. I’ve watched it decay, and…
Home again at last, after a week in which I spent 36 hours in the air (Singapore-London-Tokyo-London). I was giving a seminar for ballet pianists at the remarkable Showa University…
Seen in Dlouhá, outside Praha Bike. Not my idea of fun, as the whole fun of having a bike is independence.
When my friend Andrew told me that the only way he could study at university was to listen to white noise through headphones, I thought that was the kind of…
I found this Haiku-length aphorism written on A4 copier paper lying on the bench in the changing cubicle after my morning swim at Tooting pool this morning. I don’t know…
Back from a flying visit to Ayr over the weekend to do a concert. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, I really do. For a few pics,…