When my friend Andrew told me that the only way he could study at university was to listen to white noise through headphones, I thought that was the kind of quaint weirdness that you’d expect from a person who spends their life at a mixing desk, but it seems he’s not the only one.
Over at whitenoisemp3s.com, you get exactly what it says on the URL, a bunch of white noise (and pink/red and brown noise) mp3s to download and play when you need, well…white noise.
As someone with advancing hyperacusis, ADD and a noise-polluted environment wherever I turn (Sainsburys is now an auditory nightmare: the MOR music, 10 barcode scanners beeping asynchronously every few seconds plus four self-service tills shouting ‘UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA’ – pretty soon, I may give up altogether) the prospect of listening to autumn winds for an hour is growing on me. Mild amusement and cynicism has turned to awe. What a great site.