Ikea. It makes me depressed, angry or wistful. But never as happy as the catalogues imply.
Ikea. It makes me depressed, angry or wistful. But never as happy as the catalogues make out.

Another from Fido.

About two minutes before class began officially, he came to the piano (it was an upright) and stood at it facing me, using the lid as a barre.

In his best mock ‘teacher voice’ he began ‘For my plié exercise, I’m going to do oooone-aaand-a-twooooo. Threeeeee-aand-aa-fooouuuur, fiiiii-ve and a six, sevvvven and ah eiight’ , continuing  in plié tempo, right up until the 16th count.

‘Then I’m going to repeat that in second position. Ooone and a twoooo. Threeee-and-a-fouurr….’ and so it went on, until he’d counted the entire exercise diligently, without any shortcuts, speeding up or giggling, in all four positions.

When he’d finally finished, he said ‘And I’d like that on some Indian river music, please’. And then faked his own death by falling to the floor behind the piano.

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist