Photo of Diana Payne-Myers dancing at her 80th birthday party
Still got it—Pussy dancing at her 80th party

Updated in 2020:

How things have changed. Only in 2008 I thought it was fine to upload a gallery of a dear friend’s 80th Birthday Party. The gallery app that I was using at that time broke, so I decided to re-upload the pictures. However, as soon as I looked at them, I thought it would be unconscionable to simply upload pictures of people from a private birthday party, without their permission. 

I think that’s a positive outcome of  concern since that time with data protection, privacy, safeguarding and so on, so I don’t regret taking the pictures down. 

It was a wonderful occasion. I have known Diana—or “Pussy” as she was known to all of us back then—almost as long as I have been playing for ballet. She is now 91 or 92, and only last year, was still appearing in An Inspector Calls in London.  There’s plenty more about her on this site 

See also: 


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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist