To Norwich with Chris to take another look at the Johann Strauss Gala that he choreographed dances for. The trip was not entirely unconnected with the fact that gorgeous friends Alice & Andrew live in Beccles, which is on the way, so we all (Alice, Andrew & family, Leigh & Fran) went out to lunch at Prezzo, a cinema converted into a very classy Italian restaurant. That’s my pizza in the picture (left). Chris & Fran caught up on knitting news, as Beccles is the spiritual home of knitting in our world, for reasons you can read about here.
And so on to Norwich and the Strauss Gala which looked and sounded lovely. The theatre has been completely revamped (and has secreted a shopping centre around it) so memories of ENB tours didn’t flood back immediately. But then suddenly at the stage door, I remembered vividly trying to defend some poor sod in the corps de ballet who was about to get a second warning letter, having first omitted to put elastics on his shoes in a performance, and then forgotten where the theatre was and missed a rehearsal.
Tea in Beccles, and so home – where I arrived, miraculously, at just after 10pm.