
My new toy – a crossword creator that can create do-it-online crosswords as well as the paper stuff. Go on, make my day, play with my first attempt at an online crossword.

2 thought on “My first online crossword”
  1. Jonathan! You life saver! Because of a tutor’s illness, a vacant slot has appeared on the ISS timetable for the BADE distance learning students next week. What to do? I know! Let’s do a session on using the internet for researching dance! OK, I know the basics….but what task can I set them?

    Well, the light bulb pinged into action while I was ambling round the 2nd floor at the RAD. Why not use Jonathan’s crossword to see which pair of students can complete it first, using the interent to look up all those facts which are inevitably on the tip of one’s tongue?

    I’ll let you know how we get on, but would welcome any suggestions on what the winner’s prize might be – the opportunity to study a 60 credit module on the life and times of a certain professor’s vision of dance education perhaps?!

  2. Nice idea! Perhaps I’d better make it more difficult. There’s another little toy within a toy, in that you can give URLs as clues. With the really difficult stuff, I could give a hint.

    To really test them, we can also chuck in some stuff about IT, i.e. how about this for a clue: “(6,6)two or more letters at the end of a web address after the last dot, which indicate which territory or government body the site is registered under”.

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist