Plumbing the depths
OK, it’s a bit childish, but I thought this was quite a funny number plate for a plumber. Nothing to do with music, IT or dance, but I was keen…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
OK, it’s a bit childish, but I thought this was quite a funny number plate for a plumber. Nothing to do with music, IT or dance, but I was keen…
Browsing through the entertaining pages of the musicology blog Dial ‘M’ for Musicology I came across this excellent posting called What Wikipedia is Good For, a gentle reminder to those…
Via the terrific Its Ablaut Time linguistics blog, a report by Mark Liberman on Writing Style & Dementia, about a fascinating study of the capacity for stuff that you wrote…
….like the stylesheet & index template that was doing so well. As you may have gathered, I’m having a few problems with my indexes & stylesheets. Copy & paste is…
Another day at the University of London Library , this time, to retrieve some dances from Tchaikovsky’s opera Cherevichki which were used in Cranko’s Onegin. I only know that because…