A year of ballet playing cards #22: A schmaltzy waltz by Kéler (9h)
Download the waltz by Kéler in piano score (free pdf) Read more about my Year of Ballet Playing Cards Elastic or expressive timing is a feature of music in ballet…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Download the waltz by Kéler in piano score (free pdf) Read more about my Year of Ballet Playing Cards Elastic or expressive timing is a feature of music in ballet…
Where can you go, what can you do, and what can you read, watch or listen to to learn to play for ballet? Here are some tips.
A proud day for me, my first proper article published in Empirical Musicology Review. “How Down is a Downbeat? Feeling Meter and Gravity in Music and Dance?” came out of…
It’s taken me far too long to get the Forscore sheet music app: I can be very slow to adopt stuff. It’s at least a couple of years since my…
Download the score (free pdf) Read more about my Year of Ballet Playing Cards I can’t remember why I started listening to Grétry’s music after neglecting him for so long.…
I’ve had two conversations with people who play for ceilidhs which have made me think that there’s much more in common between dance calling and teaching a ballet class than…