
Have a happy christmas with a carol for class. Free to use, but not to sell on.

The fifth of December
The fifth of December

Finally, something that sounds like it might be useful for a ballet class. Sorry about the ragged timing, this is just a bit of fun, I’m not looking for a Grammy Award.

To download the file, right click on the player above (Mac: Ctrl+click) and select ‘save audio as’ or right-click  (Mac: Ctrl+click) this link and select ‘save link as’.

For people who are interested in such things, I have been convinced all my ballet-class-playing life that this song is irregular, and I’ve had to look at it 10 times just now to convince myself that it isn’t. By ‘irregular’, I mean unable to be sectioned into 4 eights for a class exercise. This is regular, but it sounds irregular to me because the lyric phrases are irregular, even if the final number of bars isn’t. At the end, you will hear a warning that the slow stir of ronds de jambe is next.


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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist