Every blog should have gratuitous cat pictures now and again, even if only to stick two virtual fingers up to those who complain that the internet is full of ‘me and my cat’ sites. Yes, and?
Oh all right then…
Leibniz wrote, apparently, that music was a ‘hidden arithmetic exercise of the unconsciously counting soul’ (Musica est exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis se numerare animi). I wonder if this concept has pervaded the collective consciousness, and is one of the reasons that some dancers and musicians think there’s something infra dig about counting (consciously, and without hiding it) in choreography?
Think about that next time you bite into a Choco Leibniz.
Ashamed to say it, because I do get quite staunchly patriotic about the glories of McVities Chocolate HobNobs and Cadbury Chocolate Fingers now that I am living in the US, but the Choco Leibniz is without doubt the best chocolate biscuit for a cup of coffee. It’s just so darn decadent!
And Dipsy looks beautiful in the photo.
Mmmmm. Leibniz-Keks.