There’s nothing like it. If you’re slightly mad, you might want to run outside in a rainstorm like they do in the films. But in Tooting (at the Lido), you can go completely bonkers and swim in it, and as experiences go, it’s one of the most exhilarating I know. Especially at a time before most people have even woken up. This morning, it tipped down, and I’ve never been so glad to see rain.
Glad you’re still at it – the morning swim that is. I skipped my pre-dawn yoga today because I woke at 4.48 am feeling wretched. I’ll be back there tomorrow though. For the most part, I’m really enjoying the early start, and it is definitely the best time of day to exercise. Are you gonna do this through the Winter? Won’t the water be terribly cold?
Yes, it’ll be numbingly cold, and I may not last beyond the end of September, but I’m going to see what it’s like. As class A experiences go, it’s darned cheap.