

…are particularly spendid at the moment.

Up at 5 a.m. to some minor edits to the 1 & 2 piano scores of The Green Table, which I’ve been editing on and off for the last 10 years. Nice to think that this will be one of the most user-friendly scores in the repertoire, so much care & thought went into making it work for rehearsals. It’s also nice to be able to open a file that you last used in Amsterdam 3 years ago, and find it all works still!

Then to the pool at 7.45. Slightly ahead of myself at 50 lengths this morning, just over a mile. That’s Garratt Lane on the left, just before turning into the leisure centre.

And now off to send off some CDs that we finished mixing yesterday, and collect some more scores for yet another book…

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist