The pet death business is larger and stranger than I thought: you can even take a Hoegh Pet Casket Factory Tour in Michigan, Hoegh being the Microsoft of the pet death trade, as this page of special offers shows.
For predictably Teutonic precision about measurements and the various types of pet which would fit into each casket – from XS (hamsters, mice, small birds) to L (large cats/medium to large dogs up to 13kg) see the Kaleidon animal coffin catalogue from Lippstadt in Germany. For those nostalgic for the good old days of coffin manufacture, the Pet Casket Store makes caskets which are “reminiscent of a bygone era”. But then caskets themselves are so last year. If you can’t bear to part with your pet’s mortal coil, Anthony Eddy’s Wildlife Studio offers the “largest Freeze-dry service in North America”. ‘Wildlife’ seems an odd word to use to describe freeze-dried cats, which makes me wonder whether Eddy’s original idea for a business took an unexpected but profitable turn.