Musicking and the Lowry Centre
Thoroughly enjoying Christopher Small’s book Musicking. “Every building” he says, “from the tiniest hut to the biggest airport terminal, is designed and built to house some aspect of human behaviour…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Thoroughly enjoying Christopher Small’s book Musicking. “Every building” he says, “from the tiniest hut to the biggest airport terminal, is designed and built to house some aspect of human behaviour…
Tooting Common deserves a more prominent place in the annals of dance history than it is likely to get, unless I have something to do with it. Here, for those…
Here they are, for all those who wanted to see pictures. The very lovely Dipsy & Lala, aged about 6 months. It’s taken this long, because they won’t keep still,…
It’s that time of year again, and I’m in Prague for the International Ballet Masterclasses. I’d intended to keep a daily weblog, with photos, but I remembered the shower gel…