Pianos and violins in the ballet class
When did the piano replace the violin in the ballet class in the Imperial Theatre schools? Galina Bezuglaya has some interesting answers.
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Posts about the work of ballet pianists—including stuff that might not seem immediately related (like historical dance, character, musicology, and so on)
When did the piano replace the violin in the ballet class in the Imperial Theatre schools? Galina Bezuglaya has some interesting answers.
In "Theatre Street," Karsavina makes several references to the soundworld of her dance training and rehearsal. Here is a collection of them.
How does monetizing ballet classes online work, for dancers and musicians? I want to know!
What is a Spanish waltz? Is there such a thing? No, but here is one all the same, in case you're asked.
Want to learn about playing for class in a fun, chatty podcast of experts? Read on to find out where.
Maybe I’ve just led a sheltered ballet life, but after 30+ years of playing for more rehearsals and casts of the white swan pas de deux from Swan Lake Act…