The Scotch Snap: everything you needed to know, and a hundred more questions
Scotch Snaps: The Big Picture from Philip Tagg on Vimeo. This is probably the most interesting video I’ve ever seen on a musical question. If you want to know why,…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Scotch Snaps: The Big Picture from Philip Tagg on Vimeo. This is probably the most interesting video I’ve ever seen on a musical question. If you want to know why,…
Just try it. Give this podcast from Headspace about the healthy use of technology 15 minutes of your time. Pause to reflect on the way you use technology, and the…
Readers of this blog will know that I have a real thing about mult-tasking, so I’m delighted to read this article on cell-phone accidents in the New Scientist, though not…
Interesting conference coming up in September 10th – 13th this year at Oxford University – Perspectives on Musical Improvisation. I’m half tempted to submit a proposal for a paper, since…