Cult status at last!
Now this is just a little bit circular, but how could I possibly not mention the fact that those nice people at The Ballet Bag has listed my Kristen McNally…
Plink and you won’t miss it
Interesting article by Carol Krumhansl in the latest Music Perception: “Plink: ‘thin slices’ of music” In this experiment, tiny clips of music from various decades were played to participants. The…
Kristen McNally rocks
And I mean rocks, because if ever there was a choreographer who could make dance the new rock n’ roll for me, it’s her. The last piece of hers I…
Multi-tasking again (that old chestnut)
Delighted to read somewhat belatedly in The Independent that Humans cannot multitask – (even women) . I’ve suspected this for a long time – multitasking is a myth, and that…