Why your Wii board might be worth £11,000
Wii board helps physios strike a balance after strokes Amazing article in the latest New Scientist about how the data supplied on foot pressure from a Wii balance board is…
Jonathan Still, ballet pianist
Music, dance, IT, trivia. Not necessarily in that order.
Wii board helps physios strike a balance after strokes Amazing article in the latest New Scientist about how the data supplied on foot pressure from a Wii balance board is…
My favourite story of the day: how staff at an animal home thought a dog was deaf until they discovered it had come from a Polish household and therefore only…
“Eventually I arrived at a theory, which I offer for consideration. It goes like this: women, being generally more rational than men, are aware that life is more important than…
The Framley Examiner is still one of my favourite sites ever. It doesn’t do anything, it’s not interactive, it’s not even particularly recently updated, but it still has some of…
Searching for an online script of The Red Shoes I came across this great page which has all kinds of interesting details about the making of the film. One thing…
I’ve passed this statue hundreds of times in the 20-ish years I’ve lived in Tooting, without ever knowing what it was, or who made it. I’ve watched it decay, and…