Walking past the car park of the Muththumari Amman Temple yesterday, I noticed that the wonderful chariot that was the centrepiece of last year’s chariot festival on August Bank Holiday was there again. Sure enough, there was another procession today, with all the terrific live music, dancing and costumes.
All this reminds me that it must be a year since I discovered the very wonderful Tooting web site, because the webmaster approached me for permission to have some piccies for his (I presume it’s a he) site. Do visit it, it’s as near to my dream of what a community web site should be. There’s even an interview with me on it, as one of Tooting’s biggest fans. My favourite question was “how can we encourage dancing in Tooting”. A year on, and the dancing just seems to increase without any encouragement at all.
But then, Tooting is as near to Utopia as you can get, a point on which most of us who live here agree, so don’t listen to the guys from clickwalla when they say that Tooting “may lack the colour of Southall or Wembley”.