
New Labour has just been admonished for allegedly breaking privacy rules by spamming the phonelines of 500,000 people with a pre-recorded message by Vera Duckworth from Corrie, according to the BBC. They were actually told off about it in 2007, but that didn’t stop them doing it again in 2009. Their response?  “Labour said it would examine the ruling and always tried to meet guidelines.” The ruling from 2007 said don’t do it.  They did it. How much examining do they need to do, and what part of ‘don’t’ didn’t they understand the first time round? How does ‘always try to meet guidelines’ square with failing to meet a ruling that was made two years previously?

It’s bad enough to fall on your own sword, but to fall on the sword of your marketing & spin department is surely worse. This is where I wish Bill Hicks were still alive to deliver his timeless message to hapless marketing people everywhere.  It’s better delivered personally, so see the video above.

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist