Cheek by Jowell

Mar 3, 2006 #News

The Tessa Jowell story gets curiouser and curiouser: “Tony Blair said she had not been “in breach” of the ministers’ code of conduct as her husband did not tell her about a £344,000 gift he had received.” (see full story).

I’m trying to imagine the breakfast table conversation:

Tessa Jowell: “I guess we’ll have to tighten our belts a bit now that we’ve taken out that loan on the house”
David Mills: Humph
Tessa Jowell: Talking of which, here’s our loan statement from the building society
David Mills: Humph
Tessa Jowell: How strange. A few weeks ago, we owed £408,000. Now it says we only owe 64,000.
David Mills: Humph
Tessa Jowell: Ah well, I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation. Don’t forget to feed the dog. Byeee!
David Mills: Humph

I’m no longer bothered about whether she’s actually innocent any more – what bothers me about this story is how any journalist can report a story like this and not ask questions on behalf of those of us normal people for whom the concept of being ‘given’ £344,000 overnight is the stuff of daydreams? If David Mills really didn’t tell her, how come she didn’t notice, and if she really didn’t notice, what on earth can she understand about ‘culture’ in any form that might be meaningful to the people she represents? How can she understand the relationship between the cost of a ticket to see a show or a sports event, when her husband could become £344,000 pounds richer over night and not feel the need to celebrate it with her? The question in my mind is not whether she did anything wrong with regard to the facts of this case, but whether she is fit to represent you and me, when she – on the evidence available – seems to live the life of a lottery winner.

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Jonathan Still, ballet pianist